holy crap!

thursday? already? so the headache continues and so do the car issues. I decided that whatever I needed to get done that involved leaving the house yesterday was not going to happen. "betsy" agreed and I let her rest some more. in her final days I want to make her as comfortable as possible. oh who am I kidding! I was scared to drive her any farther than a 5 km radius for fear that something would break and I would be stranded and freeze to death.

yes, people it is freezing cold out there! I may not have gone out, but I did have to let the dogs out and every time I did I got quite the chill.

yesterday I managed to get the laundry all done, christmas cards completed, and a secret present I am working on for someone special who might read my blog so I won't spill the beans was also worked on. amazing what happens when you stay in!

this made me very happy yesterday:

muffins! I found an awesome muffin/pancake mix which is locally made. I substituted apple sauce for the egg and coconut extract for the vanilla it was nummy! REAL muffins! it has been a long time.

this was my mid morning snack:

muffin, latte (REAL milk!) and applesauce. yum! 

focus on the good and the bad will melt away, right? perhaps I have been trying to focus SO hard on the good that I have literally given myself a massive headache? ahhhhh......and tomorrow? vegas! where I will witness his FIRST marathon! so excited for him! and hey, it will be pretty kewl to see elvis too! 

*pack lots of tylenol, motrin and don't forget sunglasses to protect eyes from all the lights. I am picturing a truly tacky, uber noisy place with lots of cheap food and drinks so that you will spend your money gambling. am I wrong?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

FRiday Billngsgate still on?
Can mom bring her sweat shop crew?