the "happy book" report

I was fortunate enough to be a part of this amazing mail-around organized by the beautiful jamie ridler. we had one week with the book and lucky me I was first on the list! the book is chock full of ideas, activities and happy thoughts. the "happy book" is a place to gather your happy moments. I really enjoyed reading through the book and adding my thoughts and art work. I shared it with complete strangers and my husband. I did some of the activities in the book. I figured the best way to share it with you was to show some pics so hear goes...


gina said...

Gosh, that is so cool! You did a fabulous job of sharing the book....makes me want to get the bliss copy back and work on it some more~ Happy Days!

Lisa @sacred circle said...

Wow! What fun! This has made me even more excited to explore the book when it's my time... Here's to many more happy (and creative) moments! :)

Lexington said...

Thank you for sharing your experiences with the book. It is making me so excited to get the book.

Lexington said...

Thank you for sharing your experiences with the book. It is making me so excited to get the book.

Wro said...

Nadia, I can't wait to see our book in person! What a tease!!

Peace & Glee,

becky nielsen said...

I'm in the Glee group, too, and am so thrilled to see what you put in. Loved the whole presentation! Made me happy,for sure.

Anonymous said...

Awesome!!! I am loving this slideshow!! What a great idea!
I'm so glad you had fun with the book, can't wait till it gets to me!!

couragetocreatewriteandlove said...

lucky YOU!!!!
to be the first one!
i can not wait to get it in my hands too

Helen said...

Wow, I can't wait to get the book! Your pictures really evoke the experience of happy so well.

Unknown said...

I looooooovved your pictures. Cannot wait to experience mine.
Thank you for sharing the slide show.

I am so glad to hear about your Mum too!
