cathy z what have you done to me?

do you read her blog? I do and pretty much laugh my ass off every time. this morning she posted a new official rule on self portraits. they MUST include a toilet. are probably thinking WTF? Me? I'm thinking go grab the camera and shoot. I am not a big fan of self portraits so if I can take the focus off of me and onto the white throne then why not!

the official self portrait avec Kurjata toilet:

the official self portrait avec the Starbucks toilet:

the official self portrait avec the Sears toilet:

oh yeah! while she was busy shopping for supplies I was in the bathroom taking pictures.

cathy z what have you done to me? I guess if I want to meet you in person next week at inspired I will look in the bathroom stall?

1 comment:

Chantel Mernickle said...

NADIA!!! thank you SO SO SO much for that bag!! i did not cry (some of the girls were slightly disappointed :) HaHa) but i was So touched that you and laurie would do that for me! It is so beautiful and i just HAD to run up here and thank you SO SO SO much for such a beautiful gift! :) I cant even tell you how special it made me to see that you cared enough for me and the store to do something like that! :) Thank you thank you thank you!