this was a really fun page to do cause I didn't really DO it. during "art tuesday's" session I pulled out a piece of watercolor paper and had it on the table beside the project I was working on. anytime I needed to stamp off reminants of ink or brush off some extra paint or double stamp a stencil I did it on this paper. I LOVE the way it turned out. no plan in place, just free. a "paper accident" of sorts.
in other news.....the running is now down to tapering and something called "carb loading". hmmm......interesting! I received my list of what to pack, race day prep and post race. honestly I was not the least bit freaked out until they started talking about things like, no pedicure the week before, no bikini wax (darn!), huh? don't clip your toe nails...file them, wha? nu-skin on parts that may blister....are you kidding me? pace bands and film canisters, imodium and motrin? okay, breathe....I am just going to run and I am going to enjoy every single second of it because I can. I CAN run! this may be my one and only marathon so I want it to be the best it can be. alright, good, there, said it......enough for now and for sure more later and probably avec a photo or two of the blubbering idiot crossing the finish line. I have already lectured M about how I do not want any eye contact until at least 38 km. If I see that face before then I may be forced to hurt you in a big way. I will either be hurting so bad that I will be angry or I will be so emotional that I will be sobbing. Nah! I am gonna smile and sing along to Jon Bon Jovi the whole way. If there was anytime that he could come through for me it would be then.......you wanna make a memory? oh yeah baby!
1 comment:
Your art is soooooo cool! I love all that color and texture. I like how courage is written.
I love Bon Jovi, too. Every day when I am on the treadmill I listen to It's My Life over and over.
So basically, the marathon prep means turning into a cavewoman: no waxing, no pedicures. That combined with a need for immodium is why I do not run marathons. That and the running part. :)
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