
anyone else see anything wrong with this picture? look carefully and you will understand my concern. perhaps there is a hidden message? observe the three things that are similar:

#1 - it is the 13th annual OIM
#2 - my runners are the kayano 13
#3 - my bib number is {13}79!

see what I mean? is it true? all they say about unlucky 13? Triskaidekaphobia?. I am a huge fan of the bakers dozen (13) and will be consuming many bakers dozens of something tomorrow after I cross the finish line. we went and picked up our race packages today and as soon as she gave me my number I looked at M and said "is this a sign?" you can't deny that YOU wouldn't be thinking about it. I mean what are the chances? I remember talking to tricia about it being the 13th annual and was that bad luck? she suggested using reverse psychology. in any event it is what it is and IT is happening tomorrow morning at 8:00 am....13th annual OIM, with kayano 13 on my feet and bib 1379 and M waiting at the finish line with 13 doughnuts. no? ciao!

1 comment:

  1. In honor of your number and all your effort, I went ahead and had 13 donuts.
    It was the least I could do.
