say "hello to my little friend"

SO far behind in the blogging, but SO in recovery and flying here there and everywhere. back from OIM and now in st. louis.

let's start with the race! I started out really strong and was on track for my 1/2 marathon time (2:40) and then at around 22 km I lost my mind! I mean for real! I started thinking about why I would do this, what was I thinking and where the hell did everyone go? I was out there on that mountain alone for quite awhile. the tears started flowing and the pity party began. all were invited! there was the girl with the participation ribbon from grade 3 track & field, the other one who withdrew from a class because the assignment called for an oral report, and the young mother who felt so inadequate. this combined with my son's song coming on the i-pod started with tears and then full blown ugly cry! then my funeral song came on (you all have one, don't you?) and I started singing at the top my lungs through the tears. then it hit me! what about M? scheduled to do the 1/2 marathon? did he finish? was he okay? did he recover? is he rushing back to see me finish? okay! enough! I blew my nose, tossed back a couple of sports beans, swig of GU and said "get your ass running down that road right now!" "you CAN do this!" "GO!" and there my friends you have it! I started running and just kept on going. a few extra walk breaks here and there and then passing walkers cause I would not have any of that till I finally reached the finish line at 6:00:24. yup! six freakin' hours mis amigos! John called my name as I crossed the finish line, Liz put the medal around my neck and M hugged me held me as I cried. over to the massage tent for a quick rub and then back to the hotel for the food frenzy and frenzy we did! this week was spent recovering so no running. more later about csc4k.


  1. Yeah Nadia and Michael! Poppa and I are so proud. Luv yeh M

  2. Oh my God. You are my hero! I could never do a marathon like that unless it involved stopping to sit on pretty benches every 100 yards.
    I need a copy of your marathon cd, it sounds awesome.

  3. Way to go Nadia!
    That is so amazing...takes a lot of guts (which you probably left somewhere along the road?)
    You're my hero.
