day two - 21 days in september 2014

day two and the words that popped out at me when I flipped the pages "falling in love with letting go". oh yeah baby!  the pictures are of a sculpture I saw while I was in calistoga, california.  it is by an artist by the name of nathalie whisman.  I typed the words on a piece of vintage paper that was headed for the recycle bin.  I added the word "love" with rub on's.  a bit of washi tape and DONE!  don't forget to date the page.  loving this challenge.  a few quiet moments to sit with some inspirational words.  "falling in love with letting go".  I'm all over that.  it is time for me to "let go".

are you creating along with me?  post your pics on the Facebook page.  I would love to see them!

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