I made this!

with inspiration from Jamie Ridler.

every month I create handmade birthday cards for family and friends.  it is a way to reach out and say "thinking of you" even if we do not see each other throughout the year.  It saddens me to think that our snail mail is becoming a thing of the past.  I love receiving "art mail"!

this past week I was working on birthday cards for april and I was stuck!  stuck, stuck, stuck!  did not know where to start!  I had just finished participating in collecting birthday cards for a celebration where they needed 2000 cards.  our group created 250 cards!  you would think that through that I would have had some ideas!

I recently checked this book out of my local library and found my inspiration on page 112.  it was this piece by isaac tobin.

I cut some pieces out of white card stock to create the base for my cards.  I dug into my collage stash and found some music paper and grid paper to use for the background.  I applied it all with glue stick and trimmed the edges.  I liked the colour palette he used and tried to find similar colours in my stash of acrylic paints.  a few swipes of paint, a doodled birthday cake and some rubber stamped greetings and voila I was on my way to completing my cards for april.

I had some leftover collage pieces and paint on my palette so I grabbed another piece of card stock and used up the leftovers.  now I have a base ready to go for my next spark of inspiration!


  1. How wonderful to make handmade cards every month. What treasures! And yay to finding your inspiration - and sharing it here!

    Thank you so much for taking part in the first every I Made This! Monday :)

  2. oh this is so pretty! I love cards and send to many for any possible holiday! I have a huge collection, but often think that it would be even more special if I were to make them myself! Thanks for the inspiration!

  3. What a great idea too create your own cards and so creative.. I love what you did... I do art cards and love collage as well as doing Zen doddle cards
