tuesday thank you and WINNER!

typewriter gifted by wendy gilchrist
I am thankful that I am a member of an outstanding group of women. we all agreed to be the party planners for our group. twice a year we plan an event from invitations to desserts. the whole sha bang! we laugh, we eat and we share and we support. we are non stop ideas and our main goal is that the attendees feel special and have a good time.

I joined the group in hopes to find a tribe so to speak of supportive and loving women. a reason to get out and get inspired and have fun and of course make stuff that others would enjoy.

artwork by barb keir
background quilt by nadia munarolo-kurjata

I had no idea that I would meet such awesome women. I have witnessed kindness that makes your heart burst open. I received the kinds of hugs and kisses filled with such love that you would think they were my sisters. in a way I guess they are. their generosity occurs in quiet little moments. they are not looking for the hoopla. they simply want to let you know that you are loved. and I am. and I love them. I love the insides and outsides and in between sides. every single droplet of them. I am so blessed.
loot bag by jeanine alexander

we had our meeting on sunday which started with me being picked up from my doorstep. I love being able to jump in the car and let someone else do the driving. I was offered snacks in the car for the long ride. truth be told it is all of fifteen minutes, but it was so cute! rice cakes and tootsie rolls. francie makes me smile. she is a burst of fresh air and always makes me feel like I am enough.

we arrived at barb's house and dropped ourselves into the spots around the fireplace. I love a wood burning fireplace! jeanine starts out with a story. I love her stories. I love the emotion in her face as she tells us about her delight in being surprised for her birthday on the weekend. she was greeted with friends and family from out of town and it made me feel so happy to know that her family appreciates and loves her as much as I know she loves them. she gave us all "birthday loot bags"! remember those? each of ours were personalized. mine even had a couple of cigars from cuba! ooh la la! a yummy cupcake, popcorn ball, brownies, a rubber stamp of our initial. we had such fun digging in and seeing what we had. presents for us for her birthday? awesome!

wendy brought her old typewriter for me. I had shared how I wished I had a typewriter again. mom no longer had mine and wendy said she had one or two and so there ya go! how much I say? oh, nothing she says. actually I want you to help me with my headboard. she admired what I did with my headboard and would like to do a similar project for her room. done!

barb looked up all of our names and hand calligraphed them with their meanings on little pieces of paper for us. huh? oh my goodness! a little nugget of her time put aside for us. who wouldn't feel loved?

we cut, we ate, we laughed, we brainstormed, more laughing, lots of laughing, sharing ideas and tiramisu by yours truly for dessert. oh it was a yummy night. these moments in time that I am in awe of and so very thankful for. I wish for all of you the same love and support!

AND THE WINNER OF THE BOOK IS.............yvonne! congratulations!


  1. Oh, how amazing your evening sounds... How wonderful to have a 'tribe' like that! I'm a little jealous, but in a good way :)

    & ow my gosh, I WON??!! :D This is the first time ever that I've won something in a give-away :D Thank you so much for your generosity, it made my day!! Looking forward so much!!

  2. What an amazing day. Does your name mean "bring of light"? Totally fitting!
