looking for a challenge? inspiration?

take a class! or at the very least check out the links I've provided!

I signed up for this class on the very last day at the very last minute. mostly because I tend to be a bit of an on-line class junkie and because at times I have been disappointed. but this time I am SO glad I took the plunge! "get your paint on" is taught by mati mcdonough and lisa congdon. two amazing artists that I have been following for awhile. mati's artwork hangs on my inspiration wall and I missed lisa's workshop put on by my good friend angela and so I thought if I could get both of these artist's together and learn from them then I better not let this one slide by.

although the class is not yet complete I thought I would share some of the pieces I have been working on and the inspiration that I have found through taking this class.

this was my first week's painting and it was inspired by gee's bend quilts. the colors were inspired by papaya tissue paper.
second week's painting was inspired by flora bowley. this is the same week I fell and had my arm in a sling so I used my fingers to paint.

and then a second attempt where I played around with colors and a quote both inspired by kelly barton.
third week I was inspired by beatriz milhazes. I am "in love" with her work! beautiful!
I felt like I made a mess of the first one and so attempted a second one. not as crazy, but still bold black graphic that I wanted to have on the piece.
this week I was inspired by olaf hajek. crazy wild art! LOVE IT!
so why post this before the class has ended? because I had an awakening this week. usually when I paint I am using mixed media. this class has challenged me to just use paint. I have learned oodles about "just paint". it has been stressful at times. I have had the "ugly cry" moments, but I kept pushing forward. I learned patience and the quality of time as opposed to quantity of pieces. this week in particular I found myself painting in an almost meditative state. a retreat of sorts with paint. I found quiet and relaxed moments where I lost track of time and to do lists. albeit I cannot possibly do this everyday...or can I?

I have kept up with the schedule of this class unlike so many other on-line classes. I have received incredible support from a new on-line community of artists that I may not have otherwise met. I truly felt like a painter this week. thank you lisa and thank you mati for such a beautiful course filled with amazing inspiration and support!

the ideas for my new studio have been swirling around in my head. SO excited to see it all come together. in a few short months I will be sitting in front of a beautiful big window and I cannot wait to "get my paint on" there!


  1. Nice post! I am really enjoying GYPO, as well. I really like your painting for week four. Nice job!

  2. Greetings from a fellow Canadian~ Great job - love the mix of colours ...

    p.s. I'd like to invite you to check out the Canadian Crafty Blog Hop … there are so many talented Crafty Canadians to meet.

  3. Looks great my dear!
