christmas eve is here my friend...

santa and joey 2009

this year more than any other that I can remember I am really enjoying the holiday season. I think the reason for that is that I have allowed myself to relax more. don't get me wrong I still am a list maker and that keeps me on track, but this year was better. this year I was not rushing around trying to get things done. I slowed down and let a few things go.

less about presents and more on the REAL gifts in my life.

mom and dad - photo by kath
my parents who are doing as well as can be. things have fallen into place and more days than few are good. they are smiling more and living more. they gave me life and love and I am so thankful that I am able to call them up or see them anytime I want.

michael - christmas party 2009
my love, who is my rock. every time I turn around he's got my back. he puts up with me and my family and he married me three times! seriously, I would go on choosing him today, tomorrow and all the days of my life. such a precious gift.

nadia and dan - holiday decorating 2009
my baby, my boy, my son who listens, learns and loves with his whole heart. I am truly thankful for the gift of him and am so happy that he is home for christmas.

wishing you and yours a very merry christmas, happy holidays and many wonderful moments.

1 comment:

  1. merry christmas nadia! i hope your holidays are filled with lots of joy, laughter and love.
