do one thing a day that scares you...


today was a day of first's for michael. although I don't think even he could have imagined the adventure that lay ahead of him. coupled with my eek's and ahhh's and sobbing I am sure he had a better time in mind.

we went on the gondola ride

and he giggled like a little girl while I squealed like a pig. I was terrified, but I did it for him. I knew he would really enjoy it and that he did. he took some awesome pictures from the observation deck and me? well, I stuck close to the wall so my pictures are less than awesome.

and if that wasn't enough he also tasted his first bubble tea

and I giggled like a little girl when he slurped up his first bubble. good times...

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE bubble tea! looks like Micheal didn't. Tell him next time to get regular green tea..with the good!

    BTW...if no one is willing to chase you like they want to steal your purse..gondala rides are the next best thing to get your heart racing. Good for the cardio!
