day 1 - inspired

the kewlest name badge! note the "alumni" yay!

christy tomlinson - total sweetheart!

susan and cd - friends from last year and SO much fun!

jennifer's first crunchie bar! I start my day off with her class tomorrow.

kelly rae - she is SO pretty! I saw her walking down to the plane in her dress and I was awestruck.

teresa collins - love her! 

melody ross - awesome surprise to see her here

paolo's back - love that smile! and this year he has his own photo booth! complete with costumes!

and the tradition continues - end of day one long arm shot with the inspiring donna! tattoos tomorrow, right?


  1. You look fabulous and like you are having fun! I'm glad to see that.

  2. looks like a wonderful adventure - being around other creatives can be so good for the soul, whether you move fast or slow, do a little bit or a lot. that energy can be really healing.

    thanks for jumping in with your guess - i had a lot of fun with that little game!! :)
