tiny art with a tiny friend...

I had a visit from a little friend the other night. she is my great niece and she IS great! this was our first play date together and so I asked her what she liked to do. she said "I like to paint" and I said "me too!" well she was vibrating as she said "really?"

and so we painted...

we made an alpha beta canvas a la lost and found.

and then we collaged...

a butterfly...

cause she had a butterfly on her back pack and she wanted to make one just like it! 

we talked, created and we kicked back and watched a movie...

and my favorite words from her tiny mouth were while we were watching tv was when a woman was modeling some clothes on a commercial. she was watching and then turned to me and said "her cute, huh?" oh yeah baby and so are you...so are you...


  1. I love your butterfiles you made. They are truly cute, just like your neice. Also, you have been tagged! Go to my site to check out the deets!

  2. wonderful work - you are both so obviously talented!
